The Prophecies

The Key to the Prophecies found in the Vatican Archives:

In quatuor angulis octo numero reperies. Oportet omnes ad voluntatem Luna quibusdam.

In the four corners, you will find a quantity of eight.  All must be found to understand the will of Luna. (loosely translated)  

The Italian Prophecy:

'Il Guerriero e la fanciulla'   

Un figlio di una forte Alpha deve essere nato e dalla volontà di Luna che si accoppiano con la figlia di un altrettanto forte famiglia. Il suo accoppiamento darà vita ad una prima Ascensione dando origine alla sua vera potenza come uno dei più potenti per camminare sulla Terra. Egli diventerà il vero leader nel suo genere e il sangue dei due unite porterà avanti una nuova era e la pace finalmente si regola sulla terra.

'The Warrior and the Maiden'

A son to a strong Alpha shall be born and by the will of Luna he will mate with a daughter of an equally strong family.  His mating will bring forth an early Ascension giving rise to his true power as one of the most powerful to walk the Earth.  He will become the true leader of his kind and the blood of the two joined together will usher forth a new age and peace will finally rule over the land. 

The French Prophecy:

‘Le Guerrier’ 

Par la grâce de Luna, les destins d'un fils et une fille de deux familles puissantes aligner pour la première fois depuis la naissance du loup. Avec la conception et la naissance de The Warriors, le transfert de ses pouvoirs collectifs Ancêtres va commencer. Son accouplement aura lieu sous les yeux de Luna et il se rendra compte de sa pleine puissance sur une Ascension tôt sous le regard de Luna. D'autres lui contestent mais ils seront pas de match car il sera le plus puissant de vivre.

'The Warrior'

By the grace of Luna, the fates of a son and a daughter of two powerful families will align for the first time since the birth of the Wolf.  With The Warriors ecliptical conception and birth, the transfer of his Ancestors collective powers will begin.  His mating will take place under the watchful eyes of Luna and he will realize his full power upon an early Ascension under Luna’s gaze.  Others will challenge him but they will be no match for he will be the most powerful to live.

The Greek Prophecy:

‘Ανακήρυξη από το Μαντείο των Δελφών’

Το Μαντείο των Δελφών διακήρυξε στη Θεά Σελήνη,  “Σε χιλιάδες χρόνια μία μεγάλη σύγκρουση θα πέσει πάνω στα παιδιά σoυ που θα χαθούν πάνω σε λευκά εδάφη τα οποία δεν θα τα καλύψει η ροή του κακού.”  Η Θεά θέσπισε πως ένας γιος και μια κόρη θα γεννηθούν από δύο ισχυρές οικογένειες υπό την επίβλεψη των Μοιρών, όταν αυτές κρίνουν αναγκαίο. Προορίζονται να είναι ταίρια, αυτός θα είναι προικισμένος με τη σοφία, τη δύναμη, την πειθαρχία και την αφοσίωση εκείνων που ήρθαν πριν από αυτόν. Eκείνη θα είναι προικισμένη με συμπόνια, δύναμη, πίστη και απεριόριστη αγάπη για αυτόν.  Διότι  μόνο αυτός όταν ο λύκος εξαπολυθεί θα μπορέσει να σταματήσει τη ροή του κακού, και μόνο εκείνη θα είναι αυτή που θα μπορέσει να τον φέρει πίσω.

‘Proclamation from the Oracle of Delphi

The Oracle of Delphi proclaimed to the Goddess Selene, ‘In thousands of years great strife will be thrust upon your children who will perish on grounds of white that does not cover the flow of evil.’  The Goddess decreed a son and daughter from two powerful families would be born upon the will of The Moirai when they deemed necessary.  Destined to be mates, he would be gifted with the wisdom, strength, discipline and loyalty of those who came before; she would be gifted with compassion, strength, loyalty and love for him that knew no bounds.  For only he once the wolf was unleashed would stop the flow of evil, and only she would be the one to bring him back.  

The English Prophecy:

'The Warrior and his Knights'

When great evil pervades the hearts and souls of men
Others shall cry out ‘Never shall it happen again’
On the field of battle they shall meet
Neither knowing full victory nor defeat
Until the Warrior with four Knights at his side
Enters the fray with Luna as their guide
Strong though the five be alone
Together is when their full strength be known
True blood sworn companions til their last breath tis drawn
They will fulfill the oath of ancient ancestors long since gone 


  1. I cant wait to see if there are any more and if so how many

  2. I think there might be one on the miller family because Dante was having someone back home look up spmething on the last line of the Moray linage.

  3. I think there should be at least 2 more prophecies. One from a germanic language like German, Austrian, or a similar language and one from English.


  4. That's really pretty. I can't read Greek so not much help to you but the prophecy itself is beautiful.

  5. The Greek prophecy sounds kind of ominous, I like it : ):):).

  6. I like the new prophecy because it is basically is telling them to stand together and I think it is about Anthony and the four of the carlucci boys.

  7. I am loving these prophecies! Can't wait for everything to unfold.

  8. That's a good prophecy. The five boys standing together. They seem like an unstoppable force. Especially with the rest standing with them.

  9. Is this your surprise? I wonder who the four knights will be. While the Carlucci's are the obvious choice, we shouldn't discount Alberto and Angelo Moretti!

  10. it should be Lorenzo, Damian, Gianni, and Marcus. The four best friends that always made him feel like a brother.
    Lorenzo said there would always be a Carlucci by his side

  11. It makes me talks about Anthony + 4 others, but what about the other Carluccis? I don't want any of them hurt in the upcoming fight. I've come to love all of the characters you've written and created. I'm excited and apprehensive about the upcoming battle. On the one hand I want to see SMP kick ass, but I'm worried about who might be hurt or killed. Even so...great prophecies!

  12. I think that "with Luna as their guide" may possibly refer to the millers, as they are of a line that was "blessed by Luna", hence, the silver eyes. Maeve has the second sight.
